東京科学大学 生命理工学院 山田研究室


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is a functional annotation database developed by the Yamada Laboratory of the School of Bioscience and Biotechnology at Institute of Science Tokyo, which contains more than 800 functional units (modules) and can be instantly explored with software that interactively visualise the relationships between genes and metabolites. Enteropathway is a database of gut bacteria-associated metabolic pathways, where the pathways are manually curated by researchers and linked to reference literature. It is useful for exploring basic metabolic pathways as well as for exploring new functions and for users to develop their own analyses.

Our own unique Pathways
Metabolic pathways which organized on a customizable web UI.

Original own data can be mapped to pathways and statistical analyses can be performed on the web.
Functional unit information is also downloadable and can be used for analyses carried out by users themselves.

Term of service
Public domein and Licensing contract

Enteropathway is a publicly available software open to academia.
Other organisations or individuals that utilise the software to make public releases, acquire intellectual property rights will be required a license. For more information, see the section ‘Commercial use’.

The login functions
has also been added for more advanced research purposes.
-Available downloading visualized map on the Browser.
-Available downloading visualized data using the API.
-Available sharing the maps visualized on the Browser with unique URL.*4
-Available saving maps.
-Available downloading data.

The login function is required annually update. After a full year has passed, your account will be expired and re-registration will be requested.

Commercial use
If you wish to use Enteropathway for profit-making purposes, you must conclude The Data Provision Agreement with Institute of Science Tokyo. Please contact us for details.

Enteropathway functions

Functions Default Registers
Affiliation Academia*1 Corporate
Registration No required Register on the web*2 Contract with Science Tokyo
Fees Free*3 Free Paid*3
Period one year update
Number of accounts 1 10maximum
Visualization of data on Browse ✔︎ ✔︎
Saving mapped data X ✔︎
Downloading visualized data on Browser X ✔︎
API Data visualisation X ✔︎
API Downloading visualized data X ✔︎
Sharing visualized map on browser with unique URL X ✔︎
Statistical processing (enrichment analysis) ✔︎ ✔︎
Downloading of all data (excluding figures) X ✔︎

*1 University students (including master’s and doctoral students) and non-profit academic research institutions.
*2 Acceptable e-mail address which domain can be recognized your affiliation. Not acceptable such as webmail.
*3 Commercial organisations are requested to pay for the use of the database.
The Data Transfer Agreement with Tokyo Tech will be concluded. Please contact us.

Any use or redistribution of the data in whole or in part requires a clear statement of the source material (Enteropathway). Users who download the data are requested to cite the data in their publications in their articles. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact:Associate Professor Takuji Yamada
     Yamada Laboratory, School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
              Institute of Science Tokyo(Former Tokyo Institute of Technology)
email    : info[at]jchm.jp
website : https://comp.bio.titech.ac.jp/

Citation : Enteropathway: the metabolic pathway database for the human gut microbiota

Updated 11/19/2024

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